Quality design and installation of fiber optic networks since 1994.
Torry Telecom & Cable is a utility infrastructure design firm that specializes in telecommunications, cellular, CATV, and 4G and 5G network design. Our firm is based out of New Orleans, LA with a permanent presence in Houston, Tx and has provided field engineering, survey, drafting, permitting, and project management services to most of the leading telecommunications firms throughout the United States. The company has been in business since 1994 and we have worked on projects all along the east coast from Baltimore to Miami, in the Central part of the country from Chicago to New Orleans, we have designed metro rings as far west as Phoenix Arizona.
Currently we provide ongoing design services to AT&T, Cox Communications, Entergy, Century Link, Uniti Fiber, Verizon, Zayo, Fiberlight and a majority of the local and national CLECs and long haul communications companies that operate in the region. Due to our long relationships with the various city, county/parish, and state personnel we often act as a point of contact between the various permitting agencies and our customers. This is attractive to them because we provide a single point of contact for permit /construction issues, procedural changes, and information request. The various agencies and our customers have come to rely on the fact that we can get issues to the relevant people and that we will follow up to make sure that those issues are resolved in a timely manner. It is our relationships with the various regulatory agencies and knowledge of the local market conditions that have contributed to our success and have served our customers interest so well.
In addition to our continuing service agreements with the local utilities we have extensive experience working on large network design projects. We have the proven ability and resources to handle multiple projects in diverse locations and the field and office resources we have added will allow us to initiate this project with a minimal ramp up time and learning curve. We utilize the latest Trimbil/ GPS and IKE systems for our survey data collection and CADD is done to the latest GIS / Georeference industry standards. We understand how important value design is throughout the network development process.
Our Design Service Breakdown
As your project manager, our team will assist you with managing ongoing and upcoming projects. We are equipped to handle coordination with contractors, suppliers, and installation crews. The project manager also ensures product quality and maintains adequate cost controls. We coordinate with your department and personnel to meet deadlines and requirements.
• Supervise all phases of Customer supplied material
• Supervise all as-built documentation
• Coordinate efforts for the product produced
• Review and approval of submittal information
• Coordinate pre-bid and pre-construction meetings
• Supervise and approve submittals
• Mediate disputes between the inspectors and construction crews
• Oversight of project construction and scheduling
• Monitor construction crew actives
Torry Telecom provides design services in a wide range of different types of projects such as long haul and metro fiber networks, fiber to the home, and small cell networks across the United States.
• Perform quality control of the final design
• Update adaptions and modifications of standard design engineering techniques, specifications, procedures, and criteria.
• Develop specification drawings, instructions, and related documents
• ROW determination
• Maintain construction standards and specifications
• Review necessary codes.
Our team of experts provides a field inspection and surveying service to our customers that need to determine precise locations of existing infrastructure so that they can more precisely determine the feasible placement of future networks.
Our field engineers or inspectors independently verify the precise location of the customer's active duct, fiber cables, and other facilities using noninvasive equipment. By completing these tasks, our surveyors will likely, assist in route evaluation, assist in design, including determining bridge attachments, minor water crossings, etc. Then, be able to perform outdoor work in the environmental conditions of the project location.
Ø Field Notes
A significant portion of the work that Torry Telcom & Cable performs is the preparation of Cad documentation. AutoCAD is used with the latest GIS/Georeference to create all necessary drawings. Torry Telecom & Cable has the following type of drafting services:
• Construction drawings
• Cad Documentation
• Utility maps that show the newly proposed utility route.
Our team is equipped with senior and junior draftsmen to support your project. Our drafting experts maintain a comprehensive understanding of your project to ensure your drawings are produced without delay or error. We enable the many functions of AutoCAD to create essential and intermediate technical drawings.
Our team provides both telecommunication construction and contractor services.
• Take every precaution to avoid damage to all existing facilities, the roadway, and finished landscaping.
• Repair any damage to, but not limited to, the roadway, sidewalks, manholes/handholds, utilities, fencing, seeded areas, or other public/private property damage during the construction process
• Ensure all buried plant construction meets Nation Electrical Safety Code minimum depth requirements, as well as those specified by city, county, and/or state codes and Owner.
• Ensure all buried plant construction areas are per local, State-Dot, and Rail Road permit requirements and stay within easements.
• Ensure the running line will be a station to show all hardpoints, offsets, and utility crossings along the route.
• All street opening and easement permits will be obtained before work in these areas.
• Verification of utilities before starting the installation of the underground plant. This verification will be by test pitting and uncovering the buried utility. Test pitting will be every forty feet along the running line if:
• The Proposed running line is within five feet of another utility
• When the running line crosses another utility.
• Applicable power and telephone pole attachment agreements
• Applicable City, county, and state ordinances
• Applicable government agencies governing the safety and health of the workforce
• Manufacturers specifications
• Scope of work

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